My Language Site

The Giver

In the story of The Giver, young Jonas is singly selected to be the new Receiver of Memory.  Jonas is just a Twelve, when he becomes the new Receiver. On Jonas’s first day on the job he notices some strange things about the Giver, including his attitude & room!  As Jonas continues his job more & more secrets are uncovered about the community some Jonas doesn’t even understand yet.  Everything comes apart for him though when he realizes everything that’s been happening since the community started….. Mysteries still not heard of.

 I think that the theme or message of this book is that sometimes our own choices are much different or even better than those above you.  I totally agree with the message of this book.  Even though some choices can be hard or difficult to do, or even understand, you should still try them out. Who knows it could be a huge success.

            I think this book was okay. This book has a lot of terms that I didn’t understand, for example; newchild
baby & dwelling – house, kinds of things like that. At times, however the book was very interesting…..  I would rate the Giver at 3 out of 5 stars.  The book had its highs & lows.  A high part for me was when the Giver was transmitting memories to Jonas.  I think it would be really cool to experience something new, something no one has heard of! A low part though would have to be all the sharing of dreams & feelings; it was just a little too weird for me.  This book is a little to out there for me but, I would recommend this book to maybe a third or fourth grader it had some words in there that they might understand, or maybe even put in their own words! 
Genre:  Fiction